Tuesday, March 1, 2011

To Speak or Not To Speak

When was the last time you went out with friends, met with work associates or wrote content in your favorite social media port (yes this is a form of communication). Did you replay conversations in your head or think about what you said in Facebook after the encounter was over?
If we care this much, then why do we not take more time perfecting our craft?
We are given the ability to communicate at birth in one form or another. A baby will cry to gain the attention of the mother and we are all blessed that we grow out of this or at least some of us do. I could create a list of the top 100 ways to communicate and not scratch the surface.
Due to its ease and accessibility we take for granted the power of speech and the ability to communicate in various ways. If I was born with the gift of music, I would take time to hone my craft. Since I was born with the ability to talk and many of you know this to be true, then why don't we hone this craft?  

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