Friday, April 15, 2011

7 tips on Getting Results From a Salesman

How is a salesman driven to achieve outstanding results? Your first thought might turn to monetary gain but that is only a piece of the puzzle. A salesman is successful, if they show a knack for connecting with people. Salesman are friendly and want to ultimately please their client. If they are motivated by pleasing others, does it not reflect on how they like to be treated?
Here are 7 steps to connect with a saleman in your organization.
  1. Approach them Informally
  2. Be relaxed and sociable
  3. Let them verbalize thoughts and feelings
  4. Keep the conversation light
  5. Provide written details if you are requesting something
  6. Give public recognition for individual accomplishments
  7. Use Humor
Good luck and email me with any success or questions

Monday, April 11, 2011

8 Tips When Speaking to A Task Driven Boss

Your boss is your boss because he or she has been put in that position to deliver results. As the pressure grows and project deadlines are approaching, it can feel that they are frank, assertive, blunt, demanding and displays a lack of empathy. In times like these, here are eight simple things you can do when you enter a conversation with them.
  1. Make communication breif and to the point
  2. Respect their need for autonomy
  3. Be clear about rules and expectations
  4. Let them initiate
  5. Show your competence
  6. Stick to the topic
  7. Show independence
  8. Eliminate wasting time
When you speak their language in times of stress, you will find that they may turn to you when promotions or opportunities arise.

Good Luck and please leave comments with your success or issues.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

7 tips to speaking with accountants?

I remember working on a project at a large company and needing help from multiple team members. I would take my project to the accounting team to assist in budgeting, entering the room with optimism and leaving with frustration. I made the classic mistake of entering a conversation not thinking of my audience. I presented the project as if I was presenting to team members like me. If you have been following my blog you will recall that we are different people and different things sound better to us than others.
Here are the top 7 things I should have done while presenting;
  1. give clear expectations and deadlines
  2. show dependability
  3. demonstrate loyalty
  4. be tactful and emotionally reserved
  5. allow precedent to be guide
  6. be precise and focused
  7. value high standards
Try these when you need help from accountants.

Let me know when they work?

Good Luck and you can get more info at


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I need you to drive!

Where do you need help with communication?
What are your frustrations?
Are you not listened to?
Is it hard to get your point across?
Not getting what you want?

Drive this blog so it is something you want

Leave a comment and if you don't I will keep guessing and that will suck for everyone. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The magic pill for making a positive difference

We want to make a positive difference and if you don't, go find a small shack in the woods and leave us alone.
So I said in the title there is a magic pill and there is! It comes down to one word........LISTEN!
Yes I said it, LISTEN, spend time today with the next person you speak with.
It takes no skills or special talents, all you have to do is shut up.
Practice with the next conversation you have.
Step 1 - Ask a question
Step 2 - Actively listen
Step 3 - Repeat
Good Luck!

Do you prefer being spoken to or listened to?

Email me at if you have questions regarding any of my posts. 


Monday, April 4, 2011

Are you motivated to try?

If we are not motivated to take action, the outcome will be fair at best.
If you are speaking to someone that has recently broken your trust, the motivation to make a positive interaction is going to be poor.The motivation to keep yourself from verbally bashing them is going to be difficult.
What would happen if you tried with every ounce of your soul?
Think of the practice you can achieve when you attempt to steer a conversation when you don't want to.
You excel as a person during times of difficulty. If we want to be seen as better conversationalists we must practice during all conditions and situations in our lives.

If you try when it is not ideal can it alter your perception and attitude, putting you in a positive frame of mind? 

Leave a comment
This works for me but does it work for you?

visit for more great information

Friday, April 1, 2011

3 Steps to Leading a Conversation - Part 3- Leading

We are now at our 3rd and final step of leading a conversation. This is now the part when you as a friend, get to help the audience excel.
In the first two parts, we have matched and paced Bob through his struggles with the bank. Once we have paced Bob and you feel his tone calm and his body language relax slightly, it is now time to lead him. We want to be very careful, we do not want to tell Bob what to do or get impatient. We need to ask genuine questions that lets Bob come to his own conclusions. You can start to add humor and encouragement in this final step opening Bob to further help from a good friend.
It might go something like this:

You - Bob you rock and if the banker had one ounce of your ambition and drive he would own the bank.
Bob - Thanks for listening to me and I am sorry I went off the handle for a minute.
You - That's what friends are for, can I help you research other options and ideas you might have?

The conversation has turned around all by taking the time to Match, Pace and then Lead.

When you try these concepts and push for better interactions, your life can take drastic moves upward.

Have you ever been beat up mentally and a good friend turns it around with a smile and genuine care?
Leave a comment to prove the power of a good friend.

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